Hai Welcome Here
" I would rather wear flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck " We can chatting here
Sunday, 30 October 2022 | 23:32 | 0Comment Hai everyone, Nothing much actually. I just want to let the world know that it is no longer "the two of us". We are expecting another fella to join us and become 'the three of us". The one coming up is a mixture of half of me and half of the one I love. It was not easy, but we are holding on. We will get thru this. Baby, We haven't met you but we have love you very much. Daddy has start buying you toys, shoes, clothes and many more. Be healthy, sit tight and we will see you soon. Weloveyou baby. xoxo US HALF WAY TO HAPPY ENDING}
Thursday, 12 May 2022 | 08:01 | 0Comment Hai guys, It's been years since I'm writing and I feel a bit awkward to do this. Nevertheless, as you can see my tittle is a happy news for all of you. I'm married the man who I was so in love and get my broken to. He proposed and in a glance I said yes. Yeah.. I'm that kind of greedy fella. Not gonna make the chance flew since I have been waiting for it since forever. I waited for 4 years to be able to wake up next to him. It is totally a bless having him around. He is not perfect but seeing him trying to ensure that I have everything and anything which is the best in the world makes me think that all the wait is worth-while. Every little thing he did are the reason I fell deeper into him. Before this I swore that if he get married to someone else, I'll tell her that she is the most luckiest person in the whole universe for having a great man next to her. Now everyday, I tell myself that I'm the luckiest woman in the whole universe to have a man who loves me unconditionally and wholeheartedly every single day. It is not too long since we got married. We still trying to adapt and accepting the fact that we are now a married couple and we can flaunt our hugging photos and no one gonna go batshit crazy and tell us we going to hell. hehehehe Anyway, I pray that every single person in this world will meet their other half and complete them as a whole and achieve all the great thing in this lifetime. Yayang, If there is next life, I will seek you and love you the same as I do in this life. Iloveyou. XOXO - keds- Labels: Personal Time}
Sunday, 11 November 2018 | 23:11 | 0Comment Its 11:11PM of 11:11:18, I've written this before that date. I'm not even sure what happened. I don't know what will the future bring. But i do hope it bring you to me, as i'm madly in love with ya. I hope on this date, i'm laying on the bed, With my head rested on your chest, Forgetting about all the problems, Enjoying your company. Would it be bad if I wish that, On this day while i'm laying next to you, While your hand play with my hairs, I wish you would whispered to me the three word that i've been longing for too long, Kiss my forehead cause i damn love those, Pull me into your warm embrace cause it makes me feel safe. oh.. damn it.. forgive me for my wild thought Need Me When You Need Me}
Saturday, 25 August 2018 | 07:58 | 1Comment Go on. Need me when you feel lonely Need me when you’re in line Or whenever you have some time to kill. Yes, go on. Need me when you’re bored When no one’s around to accompany. Need me when you’re schedule suddenly empty. Yes, please. Need me for a while Need me for a minute Need me for any second you feel kinda ‘needy’. For I’d be here. Waiting. For the time where you feel like you need me. |